This is how dangerous it is when your butt hurts.

This is how dangerous it is when your butt hurts. Itching on the bottom can not only be embarrassing, but also very unpleasant. What causes it and what helps against it. 

There is nothing more unpleasant than suddenly feeling an itch on your bottom in public. Scratching is not an option, because not only is it embarrassing, it can also make the itch worse. If it only pinches every now and then, that is no reason to worry – but what if the tingling doesn’t stop?

“We’re talking about pruritus ani, or chronic anal itching,” says Dr. Thomas Löscher from the Center for Infectious, Tropical and Travel Medicine. This is when you constantly feel the need to scratch your bottom because you can’t walk properly because of all the itching. So it’s especially important to find out the cause.

8 Causes of Itching on the Buttocks

Whenever the itching lasts longer or is particularly severe, you should go to the doctor. “Even then it is often a detective game to find out where the itching is coming from,” explains Löscher. This is because chronic itching can have numerous causes. We have 8 reasons why your anus is constantly pinching.

1. Hemorrhoids cause a nasty itch.

It may come as a surprise to some people: everyone has hemorrhoids. These blood vessels are located at the upper edge of the anal canal and help to close the rectum. They actually have an important job for the body, but sometimes the small erectile tissue can become abnormally enlarged – and then itch like hell. “Hemorrhoids are a problem especially as you get older,” the expert emphasizes.

Ointments (e.g. Hametum or Posterisan) and creams (e.g. Haenal) can help against hemorrhoids, but caution is advised here too: “Some ointments can also cause itching if they trigger an allergic reaction,” warns Löscher. And this despite the fact that they are actually supposed to relieve the itching. The solution: use herbal remedies, such as a camomile ointment . Or: an intimate care set that directly addresses the cause of pain in the anal area.

2. Too much or too little hygiene around the anus can cause itching.

We all know from a young age that you should always keep your anus clean. This is not only hygienic, but also prevents the remains of your bowel movements from causing itching. “But there are also people who clean their anus excessively and sometimes even compulsively, thereby damaging the skin,” says Löscher. And if the already sensitive skin around the anus is irritated, it can really sting there.

Anal hygiene is important, but you should never overdo it. If you have neglected it before, you should now take a shower and wash your bottom. You should also use a toilet paper that is suitable for wiping after a bowel movement: some products are not gentle enough and can irritate the anal skin even if you don’t wash yourself excessively.

3. Your underwear could cause allergic reactions.

It often helps to change certain things and see if the problem is solved. You could start with your underwear: “Cotton can trigger allergic reactions in some people,” emphasizes Löscher. In other words: Sometimes it’s worth changing your underwear to items made of different materials.

Sometimes the panties don’t cause an allergy, but instead cause another problem: “Some synthetic materials can lead to increased sweating, which in turn can cause itching,” says expert Löscher. In this case, it’s better to switch to breathable underwear so that you don’t constantly feel an itchy bottom, especially after a workout.

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4. It is better to use detergents with few chemicals.

If other clothes also cause itching in other areas of the skin, it could be the detergent. You could be allergic to an ingredient in the product you usually use for washing. “If the detergent is the cause, it is often difficult to find out which substance is causing the allergic reaction,” explains Löscher. The allergic reaction is often more severe in areas where you sweat a lot – such as the anus. In this case, it is better to use sensitive detergents that contain only a few chemical ingredients.

5. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause anal itching.

If you have a burning sensation in your anus, you should also get yourself checked for possible sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially true if you have recently had anal sex without condoms. “There are a number of sexually transmitted diseases that can cause itching in the anus: for example gonorrhea, chlamydia and human papilloma viruses,” warns Löscher. Genital warts, which are often caused by human papilloma viruses, can also cause inflammation in the anal area. Often, however, it burns not only there, but also on the penis or testicles. If you suspect it, go to the doctor – treatment can usually alleviate the symptoms. This is what

6. Eczema on the anus causes inflammation.

This skin disease – also known as pruritus – is primarily characterized by redness and a scaly rash. “Certain substances in clothing, ointments, and even antibiotics can trigger eczema,” says Löscher. But stress and certain allergies can also cause pruritus.

Cortisone ointments are often prescribed for treatment. But you should be careful here too: “Cortisone should not be a permanent solution because it makes the skin thinner and more sensitive,” advises the doctor. The body’s own hormone relieves the itching very quickly, but it can also trigger itching in turn.

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7. Pinworms lay eggs in the intestines – secretion causes itching.

Pinworms are actually more of a problem for children. But adults can also be affected by an infection – especially since they can become infected by skin contact with their children. You can recognize pinworms by the fact that they cause severe itching on the bottom, especially at night. This can sometimes keep you awake for a whole night. “Pinworms lay their eggs in the anus – there they secrete a secretion that triggers the itching,” explains Löscher.

If there is suspicion, a doctor will check your stool and quickly identify the eggs. You will then be given medication to kill the worms in your intestines. At the same time, you should take hygiene measures as quickly as possible so that you do not infect other people. This means keeping your fingernails short, washing your hands regularly and changing your underwear every night.

8. Fungal infections of the anus must be treated.

Fungi thrive in warm, moist and airtight areas – including in your underwear. If you are under stress, a fungal infection can quickly develop – and that can itch like crazy. “People with immune system disorders such as leukemia or transplant patients struggle with fungal infections much more severely and for longer, and in these cases the only thing that helps is tablets,” adds Löscher. Otherwise, special anti-fungal creams can kill the germs. Fungal infections can be recognized by reddening of the skin, similar to eczema.

If you only have a slight itch occasionally, you don’t need to worry. But if the itching lasts longer, you should get to the bottom of the cause. In the case of hemorrhoids, over-the-counter ointments can help, but if it is eczema, sexually transmitted diseases or fungal infections, you should urgently seek medical help. To prevent it from getting that far, the best way to prevent it is to use mild but regular intimate care and detergents that contain few chemicals.



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